Thursday, March 22, 2012

American Red Cross Month- March 22nd

Throughout this month, we have discovered many different interesting aspects of blood donation through the American Red Cross. From how a blood donation is carried out to how many blood drives are held during the year, there truly are a lot of fascinating facts in regards to Red Cross blood donation! It's thrilling to think that through this month, we have all learned something new about this, and now, I hope that we all have the knowledge to go forward with committed hearts to make an impact in our own way!

Yesterday, we discovered that there are over 200,000 blood drives that take place annually in the United States. If you were like me after you heard that, you probably wondered how many pints are collected if that many blood drives are held. Well, the average number of blood donations collected through the Red Cross each year is around 16 million. Yes, 16 million pints of blood are collected each year!! Can you believe it?! That is such a large number that I can't even to begin to fathom it. Each one of those people is a hero in their own right. Are you one of the 16 million? If not, will you be?

Be a part of the large portion of our population who have already decided to make an impact in their own way! The process is simple and rewarding. Choose to be a hero! Here are tomorrow's (March 23rd) blood drives in South Carolina:*
Wal-Mart- Lexington
Dorchester County Career and Technical Center- Dorchester
Society Hill Town Hall- Society Hill
*All dates and locations were obtained via the official American Red Cross website.

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