Wednesday, March 7, 2012

American Red Cross Month- March 7th

We are officially 7 days in to National American Red Cross Month! Have you done your part to make a difference yet? If not, you still have a few more weeks to do so! Get out there and save a life!

As if regular blood donation wasn't enough, there yet another method of blood donation, providing you a different option to save lives! In addition to the traditional whole blood donation where every blood component is donated, there is another method called apheresis. Apheresis is when just one particular blood component is donated. Through this method, you can donate either red cells, plasma, or platelets separately. So if you don't like the idea of donating a whole pint of blood at one time, you have the option to only donate one component. More options, more choices, what's not to like about that?

Now that you know that you have more options, get out there and take advantage of them! Here are tomorrow's (March 8th) blood drives around the state of South Carolina!*
Staples-Columbia (300 Arbor Lake Drive Location)
Grand Strand Santee Cooper- Myrtle Beach
*Dates were obtained via the official American Red Cross website.

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