American Red Cross Month- March 25th and a Whirlwind Weekend!
What a weekend! For those of you who may not know this, the Miss South Carolina and Miss South Carolina Teen Class of 2012 just spent the past few days together at this year's Workshop Weekend! To give you a brief summary, Workshop Weekend is...well...a whirlwind of information, excitement, friendship, laughter, note-taking, learning, preparation, and many other forms of fast paced fun! I had a blast and it certainly won't be a weekend I will soon forget! There was something about being in a room with so many beautiful, talented, intelligent young women all at one time that made me feel even more blessed in regards to this position I hold and who I get to share in this experience with. From what I can tell, the next 3 or so months prior to competition aren't going to slow down. Preparations are in full swing for Miss South Carolina 2012 and boy am I thrilled!

Officially, there are 102 contestants total for the titles of Miss South Carolina and Miss South Carolina Teen 2012. That means there are only 102 contenders for the titles for the next year, until the Class of 2013 is introduced. Also officially, there are over 30 million blood transfusions that take place each year. That means that for the next year, over 30 million pints of blood will be used to save lives. Sitting in the ballroom at Workshop Weekend, I thought that 102 was a large number. Then, I took a step back and thought about the Red Cross and the work that they do throughout the year and I realized that 102 doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the number of lives they save and blood transfusions that are provided. While we are all caught up in the numbers that surround us, I encourage you to take a step back and think outside of our area of the country and consider the number of miracles that take place each year around America as a whole.
If you feel the urge to provide for the 30 million pints of blood that are transfused each year, take the time out of your day to donate! I cannot stress enough that there is no better time than the present! Here are tomorrow's (March 26th) blood drives across the state of South Carolina:*
St. James Lutheran Church- Lexington
Fixed Donation Centers- Florence, Sumter, and Columbia
*All dates and locations were obtained via the official American Red Cross website.
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